Wednesday, July 21, 2010

How Green Are You?

How Green Are You? This fun and easy quiz will help you find out! Please list your answer in the comments below! 


1.     How do you feel about the environment?
a.  Not my problem
b.  I can’t do anything about it…why try
c.  Super important! I’m doing everything I can do to help!

2.     How often do you reduce, reuse and recycle?
a.  Never     
b.  Sometimes

3.     Does your family make a point of eating organic fruits, meats & veggies?
a.  What’s the difference?
b.  They’re too expensive and taste gross
c.  Yes, everyday!

4.     Do you participate in a school club to help preserve the environment?
a.  No. Why would I?
b.  There isn’t one at my school     
c.  Of course! I love sharing my thoughts on the environment with other people!

5.     What is your idea of a perfect vacation?
a.  A far-away golf resort in the desert. How do they get all this water in    the desert?
b.  A hotel with fun eco-friendly activities. I can choose whether to have them wash my towels every day.
c.  A camping in a forest with no running water. I love getting close to nature!

6.     Paper or Plastic?     
a.  Plastic. Double bag it please.
b.  Paper, I forgot the reusable bags in the car.     
c.  I brought my own bags

7.     Do you consider yourself  “Green”?
a.  No
b.  Sometimes
c.  YES


Mostly A’s: You are not green at all! Try doing some simple things to help preserve the environment that is quickly disappearing. You should try eating organic produce, recycling or using public transportation. It is important to be educated about the ecology of the world because it is something you deal with everyday.  

Mostly B’s: You can be green when you feel like it, let’s try to be eco-friendly ALL the time. It might make you have to walk a little farther, but make sure to throw that soda can in the recycling bin. 

Mostly C’s: Congrats! You are super green! Now it is your job to help educate your friends and family about the importance of the environment. However, keep up the good work! 

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