Monday, July 19, 2010

Eye of the Tiger

Did you know that in the past century the populations of wild tigers have declined 97%? And that three species of tiger are already extinct? According to the World Wildlife Fund, if the current population of wild tigers keeps diminishing at this rate then in several decades all tiger species will be extinct! 


Thanks to illegal poaching for the "black market demand for tiger skins, bones and organs" in many parts of Asia including India, China, Indonesia and more (according to the World Wildlife Fund). Tiger bones are widely used in tradition Chinese medicine, even though researchers have found alternatives and shared new methods with the medicinal practitioners, the demand for these products are still very high.   


Tiger Facts: (National Geographic

-Tigers are the biggest cats in the feline family

-The average life span (in wild) for a tiger is 8-10 years

-Can weigh from 240 to 500 pounds 

-Tigers can eat more that 60 pounds of food a day!  

-By 2022, almost all the tiger species will be extinct

-There are approximately 3,200 tigers currently in the wild


Tigers are beautiful creatures; it would be a horrible loss to the world if tigers became extinct. They protect unique forest environments and keep the food pyramid running smoothly. Tigers can help very poor villages, because where there are tigers and wild animals there are tourists. In addition, with tourists the villages can make money to keep their village plentiful. Lastly, tigers have been developing for thousands of years, they are hanging on the last thread of survival and we must help them survive for the next few decades. 

If you are moved by these gorgeous animals then you can go to these organizations to see what you can do to help.

-Save the Tiger Fund

-Save Our Tigers

-The Tiger Foundation


  1. Thanks for posting this because I didn't know that the tigers were endangered.

  2. I know right. They seem so plentiful.

  3. No offense to tigers and other jungle cats, however how do tigers contribute to humans? People only care about other animals if they somehow contribute to our society. Otherwise we just kill them and forget they ever existed. So most tigers will probably likely go extinct before anyone actually cares.

  4. Did you know that nobody cares about tigers? Do they give us milk? Cheese? How about beef? Nope, they dont give any of the above. So the human population really couldn't give a damn if they tried.

  5. Hey! Come on now! Let's not be so ignorant that we only care about animals that effect us.

  6. My comment is for Garret and Lloyd with regard to whether people care about saving tigers. I don't believe that we should narrow our concerns to one mammal or another in our fight to save the living creatures of our planet. Human beings are large mammals too - albeit more resourceful in terms of survival. As the environment ceases to support larger forms of life we will have to look at our own existence as fragile and potentially short-lived too.

    The tiger is a metaphor for what we all face on the earth now - the loss of nature and the domination of the industrial world for the last century. The tiger, the elephant, the whale - it does not matter if "you care" about the animal you have to care about the trend.

    I think this blog is serving a very valuable purpose to enlighten other teens about the world they are inheriting. We know we have a responsibility to change the mess we are in and we cannot afford to be smug about our commitment to the environment any longer. If we are we could end up like to the tiger and I certainly hope somebody out there "cares about saving the humans".

  7. Lloyd, I am part of the human population and I do give a damn. Just because they don't give everything they have to offer to you, doesn't mean they shouldn't be respected. And just because they don't die for your every little need doesn't mean that they deserve to be extinct.

  8. I am a lover of animals. As humans we need to respect the animals on our planet. In the response to the sentence of "The human population really couldn't give a damn if they tried," I care, my family cares, my friends care. All animals, humans included, deserve a good life.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. ...I apologize, for that was very rash of me =(. A lot of people do care about tigers along with all the other animals inhabiting this planet, and you made me see the folly in that comment<('_')>. However I do stand by my opinion that the majority of people dont pay attention to their fellow inhabitants and often drive them to extinction without knowing. Even by eating salmon, trout, or any fish you are helping to terminate their existance, by supporting the over fishery that humans perform.

    Oh and Tenacious and s.a.s.b., its not being ignorant, its the truth of the matter. You may think that way, and it is the correct way, however many of the leaders of the world would not agree with you.

  11. I know that a lot of people think that way. It is the truth. I am just saying that we shouldn't. Maybe the majority of people do not care but that is probably why Olivia wrote this post. To tell people that it IS important.
